
Wikitube Application’s minimum viable product has two modes.

Directory Mode

Wikitube’s Directory Mode uses a local copy of Wikipedia’s data as structure and user interface to allow users to search and browse videos.  The functionality is precisely like Wikipedia’s search and browse function except a "plus/minus symbol" or "folder tree triangle" appears next to each link to a different wikipedia article.  

This "plus/minus symbol" or "folder tree triangle" expands to display a list of video thumbnails on a new line from a search term created by concatenating the name of the [current_article + target_article] and contracts to return the article to the original state.

The search, display, look, feel and structure of Wikitube’s Directory Mode should be precisely the same as Wikipedia except for the "plus/minus symbol" or "folder tree triangle" and the expanding, contracting video list that it controls.

Player Mode

When a user selects a video thumbnail it expands into the Player Mode that displays the video and snippet on the left hand column.  To the immediate right are time coded transcripts, which we store locally after a video has been played once in our player.  The timecoded transcripts have links to any Wikipedia Article that is within 5 links of the Wikipedia article the video was selected from. Videos may have been selected from within many articles and those links would be stored in our database.

The look and feel of the Player Mode should have the same look and feel as Youtube other than the transcript player.  The search at the top of the page returns video results just like on Youtube.  The difference of course, is the time coded transcripts with Wikipedia links.  The bott of the “Transcript Window” has two language selectors.  One language selector is for the language the video and transcript are in and the other is for the corresponding language Wikipedia.  The user can select the language of the of transcript (which should use Google Translate to change), they can also change the language of the Wikipedia.

When a user hovers over a Wikipedia link in the transcript, the video stops and the article name and thumbnail appear, if they close it the video automatically restarts.  If they open the wikipedia link, the application opens to Directory Mode at that article.

Wikitube Directory Mode (In Depth)

Wikitube Directory Mode Technical Specification (Revised):


4.1. Search and Browse

4.2. Plus/Minus Symbol or Folder Tree Triangle

4.3. Video Thumbnail List

4.4. User Authentication

Questions for further clarification:

Wikitube Player Mode Technical Specification:

Wikitube Player Mode In Details


3.1. Video and Snippet Display

3.2. Time-coded Transcripts

3.3. Transcript Player

3.4. Language Selectors

3.5. Interactive Wikipedia Links

Questions for further clarification:

Wikitube Player Mode Technical Specification (Revised):


3.1. Video and Snippet Display

3.2. Time-coded Transcripts

3.3. Transcript Player

3.4. Language Selectors

3.5. Interactive Wikipedia Links

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Accessibility Opportunities:

Questions for further clarification:

Concerns and Opportunities

After reviewing the YouTube and Wikipedia Developer Documentation, here are the notes on API usage, concerns, and opportunities for the Wikitube Player Mode and Wikitube Directory Mode:

API Usage:



Wikitube Application is an innovative platform designed to enhance the user experience when browsing and interacting with YouTube videos and Wikipedia content. It aims to provide a seamless integration between these two sources of information, allowing users to easily search, browse, and engage with video and text-based content. The application consists of two main modes: Wikitube Directory Mode and Wikitube Player Mode.

Wikitube Summary

Wikitube Directory Mode:

Wikitube Player Mode:

Functionality and Recommended Technologies:

In summary, the Wikitube Application offers a unique way to explore YouTube videos and Wikipedia content simultaneously, providing users with an engaging and informative experience. Using a combination of cutting-edge technologies and seamless API integrations, the application delivers a powerful platform for learning and entertainment.